Impacts Of A Dirty Fan Wheel On Your Air Conditioner

Impacts Of A Dirty Fan Wheel On Your Air Conditioner

What does an air conditioner fan wheel do? Air conditioners work by using refrigerant as a heat exchange medium. The heat is exchanged by passing air over an evaporator coil through which cooled refrigerant is flowing, the air is cooled as it passes over the coil and...
How to Service Maryland Ducted Air Conditioning

How to Service Maryland Ducted Air Conditioning

How to Service Maryland Ducted Air Conditioning If you use a ducted air conditioning system in your Maryland home or business, you know that service is a regular part of the maintenance process. However, there are also a number of basic maintenance tasks that you can...
Leaders in Air Conditioning Maryland Repairs

Leaders in Air Conditioning Maryland Repairs

As the warm season approaches, it is crucial to ensure that your air conditioner is functioning properly. But how do you know when it needs attention? If you observe any of the following red flags, it’s a sign that you need to schedule an appointment with a...